North Caspian Operating Company B.V.

North Caspian Operating Company B.V. 28.12.2016

North Caspian Operating Company B.V.

For sure 2016 was an exciting year for NCOC, we established stable production at the end and after so many years we finally became a producting company.
Topan and yourself played an important role in driving us to a success by supplying us the right materials in the desired quantities. In 2016 we had to replace and recertify ALL Fire syppression gasses with large qualities and specifically for the Inergen the quality wa a big challenge to meet specifications. We also needed to stock the calibration gasses in sufficient levels and for sure we had many uncertainties about the required volumes. Not to forget moving from single bottles to man-packs that increased safety by large.
Thanks to your support, from your team and yourself, I feel we have achieved these challenges in a goods as ever possible manner, with your exploration to different sub-suppliers and building in your quality work. Not all os perfect, we still have many things to solve but you have made big steps forward that give onfidence we can tackle these in the future.
So as contract holder I like sent you a big THANK YOU NOTE!!!
Laboratory Manager Leon Flohil

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