Topan LLP employees training to get the internal audit.

Topan LLP employees training to get the internal audit. 15.08.2017

Topan LLP employees training to get the internal audit.

Within 14th and 15th of August Bastau Training Center accomplished training for Topan LLP employees to get them ready for internal audit of Quality Management System, Ecological Management and HSE Management facing requirements of the standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. Audit standard is ISO 19011:2011/GOST ISO 19011-2013.

There were taken following training subjects:

Basics and methods of audition. International standard requirements ISO 19011:2011/GOST ISO 19011-2013. Audit procedure.

  • Audit planning;

  • Internal auditor. The function, responsibilities and level of training. Ethics and psychology of audit;

  • Methods of asking the questions;

  • Accomplishing of opening and closing meetings;

  • Discrepancies and discrepancy reports;

  • Correction actions. Progress values, discrepancy analysis.


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