Elemental analyzer vario MACRO cube is provided for analysis of non-homogenous specimen of large batch weight (e.g., coal, turf moor, soil, wastes and so on) and also for analysis of specimen with low content of determined elements. As liquid samples so solid can be analyzed (entering of liquid samples using an auto-sampler varioLiquidSampler or standards autosampler via sample encapsulation.) There are four modifications of elemental analyzer VARIO MACRO CUBE provided for simultaneous determination of elements: CHNS, CHN, CNS and CN. The samples with weight from 0.1mg to 200mg are ideal.
Large batch weight allows improving the representation of the sample, obtaining reliable analysis results as well as increasing the precision of results while analyzing of samples containing a small volume of determined elements.
Basic set of analyzer includes autosampler for 60 samples. Autosampler for 80 or 120 samples can be installed for analysis of smaller size samples. Sample decomposition is carried out in oxygen current at temperature of furnace 1200 °С (short-term temperature increasing up to 1400 °С can be occurred while using of stannic cups.)
Furnace guaranteed service life is 10 years!
Area of application
Determination of element content in solid fuel (turf moor, coal, coke), liquid and sticky oil products (petrol, residual oil fuel, crude oil), elemental analysis of biofuel. Environmental monitoring of water, soil and air.

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